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Results 1 - 8 of 8 for "Interprofessional collaborative practice and education"

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  1. A scoping review of interprofessional collaborative practice and education using the lens of the Triple Aim

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 7064 reads The Triple Aim unequivocally connects interprofessional healthcare teams to the provision of better healthcare services that would eventually lead to improved health outcomes. This review of the interprofessional ...

    Barbara F. Brandt


  2. National Center Publications

    & Chioreso, C. (2014). A scoping review of interprofessional collaborative practice and education ...

    Site Admin


  3. Creating the Evidence through Comparative Effectiveness Research for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice by Deploying a National Intervention Network and a National Data Repository

    Collaborative Practice and Education in October 2012.    This paper describes three intertwined knowledge ... education. This resurgence of interest led to the creation of the National Center on Interprofessional ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. Pre-conference Workshop C: By Design: Using Simulation and Design Thinking to Prototype Interprofessional Education and Practice

    The elements of design thinking and simulation science for interprofessional collaborative practice ... and education How to use design thinking to turn a healthcare education and/or practice problem into ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  5. Generating the Data for Analyzing the Effects of Interprofessional Teams for Improving Triple Aim Outcomes

    interprofessional collaborative practice and education (IPE) and whether or not it has the capacity to positively ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  6. Generating the Data for Analyzing the Effects of Interprofessional Teams for Improving Triple Aim Outcomes

    interprofessional collaborative practice and education (IPE) and whether or not it has the capacity to positively ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  7. Poster Session

    Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Education Focusing on the Health Needs of LGBT Adults Presented ...

    Sadie Strassman


  8. Nexus Learning System Advisory Committee

    Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Education (CC-IPCPE) cooperative agreement award and is a member of ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
