A clinical education and practice placements in the allied health professions: an international perspective

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Submitted by John Gilbert on Apr 9, 2014 - 2:56pm CDT

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This report describes the outcomes of extensive discussions surrounding clinical education and practice placement issues undertaken by an international group of allied health educators (in audiology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and speech pathology) who have met since 2001 as part of Universitas 21 Health Sciences annual meetings. The report outlines key issues associated with clinical education and practice placements from an international perspective and across these four allied health professions. The allied health practice context is described in terms of the range of allied health educational programs in Universitas 21 and recent changes in health and tertiary education sectors in represented countries. Some issues and benefits related to supervision during allied health students' practice placements are addressed. A new approach is proposed through partnership such that frameworks for the provision of practice placements can be created to facilitate student learning and educate and support clinical educators. A set of guidelines that can enhance partnerships and collaborative practice for the benefit of clinical education within complex and changing health/human service and educational environments is proposed.

Please note: The full text of this article is only available to those with subscription access to the ingentaconnect database. Contact your institutional library or the publisher for details.

Sylvia Rodger
Devitt Gillian
John Gilbert
Pat Wrightson
Joan McMeeken
Education & Learning