Introducing interprofessional education

Hugh Barr's picture
Submitted by Hugh Barr on Mar 27, 2014 - 11:42am CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

This guide is addressed to readers new to interprofessional education (IPE) who want to learn more as they prepare to become one of its tutors, practice teachers, facilitators, examiners, assessors, reviewers or researchers. It responds to questions that we are frequently asked by visitors to the UK embarking on their interprofessional journey, during the question time following our presentations in other countries and nearer home, by newcomers to CAIPE. It can be used by interested individuals working alone, but will have added value if used by a group working together to develop IPE. We offer examples from around the world to demonstrate the range of models and approaches used according to local need and resources. Questions are included to stimulate reflection, discussion and creative thinking within your local context.

Hugh Barr
Helena Low
Education & Learning