Educational grief brochures

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Submitted by Death Dying and... on Nov 26, 2024 - 7:47pm CST

Resource Type: 
Fact Sheet

At the Highmark Caring Place, one of the questions we hear most is, "What do I say to the children?" We hear it from parents about their children; school staff who are caring for a grieving child in the classroom; mental health, social service, and medical personnel; and concerned friends and family who are trying to help a family in the midst of their grief.

About the organization: The Highmark Caring Place, A Center for Grieving Children, Adolescents and Their Families, is a safe place where grieving children and families can come together and be with others who understand what they’re going through.

The Caring Place has produced a series of free educational brochures for families and professionals in the community that address some basic concepts of grief. These brochures enable parents, teachers, guidance counselors, funeral directors, pastors, social workers, hospices and educators, among others, to be better equipped when interacting with children who have experienced the death of a family member. Called "Resources for the Journey of Grief," the series has become a valuable tool in helping people to better understand grief.

Highmark Caring Place
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning
Patients & Families
Death, Dying & End of Life Resources