Surviving the Death of a Baby: Grief Resources from First Candle

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Submitted by Death Dying and... on Nov 24, 2024 - 6:09pm CST

Resource Type: 
Fact Sheet

No matter how deep your grief and how great your pain, remember that you are not alone. First Candle, as well as others whohave traveled this road before you, are here to help you through the difficult time following the death of your baby.

When a baby dies, hopes and dreams are shattered and lives are forever changed. Initial feelingsof shock and confusion are combined with questions:What happened?Why me?

Many times, the lack of answers to these questions adds to the overwhelming feelings of grief and helplessness. These intense emotions are real and a normal part of grieving. Grief is a process of trying to copewith your loss and make meaning out of life without your baby. Grieving is noteasy. It is long, unpredictable and requires a lot of patience. But it is necessary if you are to work through the pain toward healing.

Your life has been forever changed; you have questions and are searching forways to cope. We hope you will find the information contained in this packet helpful.

About the organization: First Candle is committed to the elimination of SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths through education, while providing support for grieving families who have suffered a loss.

First Candle
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Patients & Families
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