Treatment of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on May 30, 2022 - 11:30am CDT

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This presentation (1:33:26 minutes) given by Piruz Huda discusses how to manage behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). By the end of this presentation, learners should be able to: (1) know what are Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia; (2) prioritize non-pharmacological/behavioral management to BPSD; (3) identify key components to behavioral management: Realistic Expectations, Communication, ABCs, Pleasant Events; (4) implement DICE approach into the clinical visit; (5) understanding and conveying limits of pharmacological interventions for BPSD; and (6) integrating non-harm and pharm intervention into treatment. Slides are available to download on the link.

Piruz Huda
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection