Interprofessional Collaborative Efforts to Deprescribing Medications in LTC

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Mar 2, 2022 - 12:12pm CST

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This presentation (1:28:22 minutes) given by Nicole J. Brandt and Donald A. Jurivich discusses the interprofessional collaborative effots to deprescribe medications in long-term care. By the end of this presentation, learners should be able to: (1) describe the 4Ms framework specifically related to "What Matters" relating to medication burden and management; (2) identify at least two approaches to interprofessional deprescribing in long-term care; and (3) identify opportunities to improve communication and person-centered outcomes surrounding deprescribing.

Nicole J. Brandt
Donald A. Jurivich
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection