Evidence of validity for the Norwegian version of the interprofessional collaborative competency attainment survey (ICCAS)

Lene Lunde's picture
Submitted by Lene Lunde on Sep 14, 2020 - 8:20am CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

This was a validation study of the Norwegian version of The Interprofessional Collaborative Competency
Attainment Survey (ICCAS). ICCAS consists of 20 retrospective pre- and post-questions, where respondents
rate their agreement with regard to self-assessed competencies after participating in interprofessional
education courses. It has been validated across various settings. The questionnaire was translated
using the back-translation technique. We investigated evidence of validity regarding content, response
process, and internal structure. Data were obtained from health and social care students (n = 1440,
response rate 42.8%) participating in 12 different interprofessional courses in seven education institutions
in Norway using a cross-sectional design. Exploratory factor analysis indicated one retracted factor for prescores
and one retracted factor for post-scores. High McDonald’s omega values indicated good internal
consistency. Item deletion did not improve the scale’s overall consistency on pre- or post-scores. We
observed higher mean post-scores than pre-scores with moderate-to-large effect sizes, indicating
a positive change in self-assessed interprofessional capabilities after training. Our findings indicate that
the Norwegian version of ICCAS is a valid tool that may be implemented across a wide range of
interprofessional education courses. Finally, our findings support earlier recommendations that ICCAS
should be analyzed at an overall level to address change in interprofessional capabilities.

Lene Lunde
Anders Bærheim
Ane Johannessen
Ingunn Aase
Kari Almendingen
Irene Aasen Andersen
Rutt Bengtsson
Sissel Johansson Brenna
Nanna Hauksdottir
Aslak Steinsbekk
Elin Olaug Rosvold
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning