Participation in interprofessional education: an evaluation of student and staff experiences

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This study investigates the experiences of staff and students involved in an identified Common Learning unit (module) named "Preparation for Practice". The unit was studied by those undertaking pre-registration undergraduate pathways in Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Diagnostic Radiography and Therapeutic Radiography at London South Bank University. The study comprised uni-professional, inter-professional and staff focus groups. The main themes that emerged from the student focus groups were "Interprofessional awareness", "Impact on patient care" and "Positive and negative aspects of unit delivery". These themes were reflected in the staff focus group which also highlighted the impact of different learning and teaching strategies in working with interprofessional groups. Students and staff were able to understand the benefits of interprofessional education but they also identified barriers that detracted from the students' learning. Overall a variety of views were expressed which reflected the diversity of the student group and the challenges that this presented in the delivery of interprofessional education.

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Forte, Anna
Fowler, Patricia
Journal Citation: 
Journal of Interprofessional Care. 23(1):58-66, 2009 Jan.