Generating the Data for Analyzing the Effects of Interprofessional Teams for Improving Triple Aim Outcomes

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Submitted by National Center... on Oct 5, 2018 - 1:30pm CDT

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In this chapter we describe the creation of a data repository, the National Center Data Repository (NCDR) and a national network of performance sites generating that data, the National Innovation Network (NIN) for the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (hereafter the National Center). We describe the raison d’être, characteristics, and ecosystem of the NIN-NCDR. The need for rigorously produced, scientifically sound evidence regarding interprofessional collaborative practice and education (IPE) and whether or not it has the capacity to positively affect the patient experience of care, the health of populations, and the per capita cost of healthcare (Triple Aim) underscored the need for the creation of the NIN-NCDR. Among other things, the NIN-NCDR is an attempt to realize a higher level of analysis of healthcare outcomes as these relate to IPE by creating the capacity to search, aggregate, and cross-reference large data sets focused on IPE related interventions. The endeavor of creating the NIN-NCDR was infused with interprofessional and cross-disciplinary energy and influences from a number of health professions. The principal creators represented medicine, education, nursing, informatics, health economics, program evaluation, public health, and epidemiology. The multiple perspectives and mix of input from many different health professions has proven to be invaluable.

May Nawal Lutfiyya
Teresa Schicker
Amy Jarabek
Judith Pechacek
Barbara F. Brandt
Frank Cerra
Collaborative Practice
Lutfiyya M.N., Schicker T., Jarabek A., Pechacek J., Brandt B., Cerra F. (2017) Generating the Data for Analyzing the Effects of Interprofessional Teams for Improving Triple Aim Outcomes. In: Delaney C., Weaver C., Warren J., Clancy T., Simpson R. (eds) Big Data-Enabled Nursing. Health Informatics. Springer, Cham