Toward a System Where Workforce Planning, Education and Practice are Designed around Patients, Populations and Communities, Not Professions

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Submitted by National Center... on Feb 22, 2018 - 3:50pm CST

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February 21, 2018

Barbara F. Brandt, PhD and Erin P. Fraher, PhD, MPP

Presentation at Blending the Blues: A Collaboration with IPE4UNC and Duke AHEAD


Presentation Overview

  • Collaboration between Brandt and Fraher grew from a desire to forge a new, joint vision for the future
  • Current workforce planning approaches not fit for purpose to meet future challenges, and the field of IPE faces its own challenges
  • New Zealand is mental model for redesigning workforce, practice, and education around the patient, not professions
  • New Zealand’s model may not seem applicable, but cost, quality, technology, and focus on “consumer” pressures are driving similar reforms in the US, with or without the ACA or a replacement
  • This shift will require moving from “old school” to “new school” approaches in workforce planning and IPE
  • We believe the way forward for our fields is together
Barbara F. Brandt
Erin P. Fraher
Collaborative Practice
Communities & Population Health
Economics & Funding
Education & Learning
Patients & Families