Four Habits of High Performance Teams & Teamwork from a Person-Centered Perspective

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Submitted by Arizona State U... on Jun 19, 2017 - 6:24pm CDT

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What personal values characterize members of high performance teams?  What core principles are associated with high quality team-based health care? What is a person-centered perspective

With emphasis on a person-centered perspective, these and other questions are explored in this interactive eLearning module to illustrate the alignment of personal values and core principles with practice habits – competency behaviors – associated with high performance teams and teamwork in health care.

The development of this module was supported (in part) by the Scottsdale Healthcare Hospitals (SHC) as part of the Graduate Nurse Education Development Project and by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation as part of the Interprofessional Primary Care Project (The Macy Project).

Preferred Attribution:

Saewert, K.J. (2017, March). Four Habits of High Performance Teams & Teamwork from a Person-Centered Perspective. (Y. Price, Designer.) [Interactive video module]. Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education & Research, Arizona State University, Phoenix.

Karen J. Saewert, PhD, RN, CPHQ, ANEF, College of Nursing and Health Innovation; Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research: Arizona State University