Saint Louis University: Graduate Interprofessional Team Seminars

Member since:  July 2016

Intervention: Graduate IP Team Seminars: Preparing health professions students as collaboration ready team members to improve individual patient outcomes and safety


  • Saint Louis University Center for Interprofessional Education and Research
  • Saint Louis University School of Medicine
  • Saint Louis University School of Nursing
  • Saint Louis University Doisy College of Health Sciences
  • Saint Louis University College for Public Health and Social Justice
  • Saint Louis College of Pharmacy

Occupations represented: Students and professionals from medicine, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician assistant, social work, and pharmacy.

Overview This course has been an embedded component for seven health professions programs since 2009. It meets six times of the course of one academic year. The focus is interprofessional teamwork to improve patient safety and quality of care. It develops individual professional skills and teamwork skills while exploring effective systems and processes of care. Patient case reviews and reflection assignments are used to develop competencies in clinical teamwork that positively impact patient outcomes. Case reviews emphasize shared decision making models and interprofessional teamwork. Course readings describe process that contribute to or inhibit quality care and patient safety. Course activities offer opportunities to practice team skills and shared decision making processes.

Student outcomes are measured using pre/post course participation assessments that look at definitions of teamwork, knowledge of team communication techniques, and knowledge about how teamwork impacts patient outcomes. Student reflections capture information about attitudes, understanding patient-centered care, and abilities to implement new competencies.

Intervention study questions:

  • Compared to pre-course assessments, does participation in this team seminar improve students’ ability to identify and describe attributes and behaviors of effective interprofessional collaborative practice in clinical settings?
  • How does participation in this IPE seminar improve students’ ability to identify and describe attributes and behaviors of effective interprofessional collaborative practice in clinical settings?
  • Does the student narrative indicate transformational learning that may be correlated to future practice? 