Saint Louis University Interprofessional Education Program

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Submitted by SLU Center for ... on Aug 14, 2014 - 11:19am CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Saint Louis University's Interprofessional Education Program (SLU-IPE) started with interprofessional courses throughout the curricula of the health professional programs of the Edward and Margaret Doisy College of Health Sciences and the School of Nursing. The goal of SLU-IPE is to prepare graduates for interprofessional patient/client-centered practice, effective and efficient delivery of health care services, and advocacy for improvement of health and health services. In developing the SLU-IPE curriculum, faculty adopted the premise that IPE is needed to prepare graduates for interprofessional practice, which significantly improves the likelihood of patients attaining optimal health care outcomes. Other premises include that learning experiences, both didactic and practical, should be interactive and that interprofessional learning activities should occur throughout the length of the educational programs.

Ruebling, I
Royeen, C
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning