TeamSTEPPS for Office-Based Care Version

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 15, 2016 - 1:48pm CDT

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TeamSTEPPS® for Office-Based Care offers techniques, tools, and strategies to assist health care professionals in developing and optimizing team knowledge and performance in an office-based care setting. The course is intended for practice facilitators—individuals who play a key role in leading and assisting practices with their quality improvement and practice transformation efforts.

This version adapts the core concepts of the TeamSTEPPS program to reflect the environment of office-based teams. The examples, discussions, and exercises are tailored to the medical office environment. It is a full version of TeamSTEPPS, including all of the fundamentals modules as well as modules to assist in implementation.

TeamSTEPPS for Office-Based Care is intended to assist Practice Facilitators or other quality improvement minded clinical and nonclinical staff in improving the quality of care and patient safety at their organization. It is presented here in three different versions:

  1. Classroom course: This version includes all the material as PowerPoint slides with accompanying Instructor Guide and materials. Videos and exercises are included to help illustrate the points made in the course.

  2. Online course: This version includes all the material in a self-paced online learning system. All modules come with narration and embedded videos. The fundamentals modules come with ancillary materials to assist an instructor using the online course as a teaching tool.

  3. Hybrid course: This version includes all the material delivered using both the classroom and online versions. This version is useful when working with individuals across multiple locations.



Read the blog post from AHRQ leaders, "Making Primary Care Safer with TeamSTEPPS for Office-Based Care," to learn more or click the link below to access TeamSTEPPS for Office-Based Care. 

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Education & Learning
Patients & Families