Participation in an Interprofessional Health Fair: Student Perceptions of Teamwork and the Role of Faculty

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Submitted by National Center... on Jan 12, 2016 - 2:16pm CST

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

INTRODUCTION Development of interprofessional skills is increasingly recognized as a critical component in the preparation of health professionals. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of preparation and participation in an interprofessional educational experience on health professions students’ perceptions of teamwork and communication skills.

METHODS Survey responses from students (n=120) with different levels of involvement in an interprofessional health fair were analyzed. Levels of involvement included four groups: a control group, a peer instruction group, a faculty instruction group, and a group who was involved in both planning and implementation of the health fair.

RESULTS The analysis demonstrated faculty-guided preparation prior to participation in an IPE experience is crucial for optimizing students’ abilities to work as a team.

CONCLUSION Implementation of an interprofessional health fair can positively affect students’ perceptions of working as a team. However, a lack of faculty-led training can negatively impact the IPE experience for the student.

Nina Roofe
Chad Lairamore
Kim McCullough
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning