Using Multiple-Patient Simulations to Facilitate Interprofessional Communication Between Dietetic and Nursing Students and Improve Nutrition Care Process Skills

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Submitted by National Center... on Dec 4, 2015 - 2:02pm CST

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

This article presents the design and evaluation of an interprofessional multiple-patient simulation between nursing and graduate dietetic students. Dietetic students' completed surveys were observed, scored, and debriefed during 3 patient simulations, and submitted plans of care. Fifteen of the 16 students agreed that the simulation enhanced interprofessional communication skills. Plans of care improved after debriefings, and 37 of the 39 nursing students who completed the simulation with dietetic students said the experience helped them learn the dietitian's role. Interprofessional simulations provide a practice opportunity for students to deliver clinical care in a safe setting. Debriefing is formative in improving nutrition care process skill.

Heather Gibbs
Katie George
Rachel Barkley
Mary Meyer
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning