The Cost-Effectiveness of Intensive Interdisciplinary Pediatric Chronic Pain Rehabilitation

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Nov 24, 2015 - 3:44pm CST

Resource Type: 
Journal Article


Examine the cost-effectiveness of a 3-week interdisciplinary pediatric chronic pain rehabilitation program.  METHODS:  Self-reported health care utilization and parent missed work of youth with chronic pain (n = 127) at admission and 1-year follow-up were compared. Financials were calculated from program revenue and established national costs for health care and wages.


Data indicate significant reductions in days hospitalized, physician office visits, physical/occupational therapy services, psychotherapy visits, and parental missed work. Estimated health care expenses were $61,988 in the year before admission and $14,189 in the year after admission (-$58,839). Estimated cost of missed work was $12,229 in the year prior and $1,189 in the year after (-$11,039).  CONCLUSIONS:  Comparing estimated expenses before ($74,217) and after ($15,378) minus program costs ($31,720), yielded estimated savings of $27,119 per family in the year following admission. These findings extend the benefit of the program beyond clinical improvement, to outcomes important to both families and insurers.

Jenny Evans
Ethan Benore
Gerard Banez
Collaborative Practice
Economics & Funding