EMCRM: Emergency Medicine

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Nov 4, 2013 - 11:11am CST

Resource Type: 

The Emergency Medicine Crisis Resource Management tool (EMCRM) was developed as a participant questionnaire to evaluate the effects of a simulation-based crisis management course for emergency medicine on health providers’ attitudes and behaviors.  It was used to assess health professionals' perception of the course, Emergency Medicine Crisis Resource Management (EMCRM).

The Emergency Medicine (EMCRM) is a 10-item tool with a 5-point scale that is used to assess health professionals' perception of EMCRM learning. 


Wallin, C. J., Meurling, L., Hedman, L., Hedegard, J., and Fellannder-­Tsai, L. (2007). Target-­focused medical emergency team training using a human patient simulator: Effects on behavior and attitude. Medical Education, 41(2), 173-­180.

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Tool Description

The Emergency Medicine (EMCRM) is a 10-item tool with a 5-point scale that is used to assess health professionals' perception of EMCRM learning (Wallin et al., 2007) 

Country Sweden
Setting University



15 medical students

Subscale(s) & Psychometrics None listed

Inter-­‐rater reliability r=.68



Dr. Martin Reznik