National Center Journal Club #6: "There Is No “I” in Teamwork in the Patient-Centered Medical Home: Defining Teamwork Competencies for Academic Practice

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Submitted by National Center... on Aug 24, 2015 - 1:52pm CDT

Teamwork is essential for the safe, reliable delivery of health care, but creating health care teams that function effectively in patient-centered medical homes (PCMH) remains challenging.


In this webinar, Dr. Emily Leasure and Dr. M. Nawal Lutfiyya discussed the challenges of building health care teams that operate well in a PCMH environment.


The basis of the discussion was Dr. Leasure and her co-author's 2013 article in Academic Medicine, which reviewed the teamwork competencies needed for high-functioning teams and offered suggestions on how these competencies might be useful for interprofessional team training and the achievement of PCMH standards.


Complete the post-webinar survey here.

M. Nawal Lutfiyya
Emily Leasure