The current state of academic centers for Interprofessional Education

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Submitted by National Center... on Mar 9, 2015 - 3:07pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Team-based interprofessional practice plays a central role in new models of care delivery. However, training health professionals for interprofessional practice remains a challenge. Centers for Interprofessional Education (IPE) exist at many academic institutions but have had limited success. The authors conducted telephone interviews with 12 leaders of academic centers for IPE, identified through a key informant method. Qualitative analysis of interview notes for common themes of barriers, successes, and insights. Most IPE centers in US are small, underfunded, with no substantial staff and faculty support. Grant funding gives legitimacy, but sustainability is a major concern. Most have had success with limited educational efforts at coordinating classes, single day events, and learning activities. While IPE centers have support from institutional leadership, they continue to face major challenges in transforming the scope and content of health professional training in their institutions.

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Frederick Chen
C. Christine Delnat
Deborah Gardner
Collaborative Practice
Economics & Funding
Education & Learning