Interprofessional Leadership Training in MCH Social Work

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Submitted by Edward Pecukonis on Jan 26, 2015 - 7:30am CST

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

The need to train health social workers to practice interprofessionally is an essential goal of social work education. Although most health social workers have exposure to multidisciplinary practice within their field work, few social work education programs incorporate interprofessional learning as an integrated component of both course work and field experiences (McPherson, Headrick, & Moss, 2001; Reeves, Lewin, Espin, & Zwaranstein, 2010; Weinstein, Whittington, & Leiba, 2003). In addition, little is written about the kinds of curricula that would effectively promote interdisciplinary training for social work students. These findings are particularly puzzling since there is increasing and compelling evidence that interdisciplinary training improves health outcomes (IOM, 2001). This article describes a social work education program that incorporates an Interprofessional education and leadership curriculumfor Maternal and Child Health Social Work (MCHSW) at the University of Maryland’s School of Social Work. The University of Maryland’s Interprofesisonal Training Model is described along with the components needed to formulate an interdisciplinary learning experience. Various outcomes and lessons learned are discussed.

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Edward Pecukonis
Otima Doyle
Shauna Acquavita
Liz Aparicio
Maya Gibbons
Todd Vanidestine
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning