Reconnecting Public Health and Care Delivery to Improve the Health of Populations

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Dec 3, 2014 - 1:49pm CST

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If we are to achieve better health along the continuum of care from birth to death, we need to work across professional boundaries and better integrate the systems we have established to promote health. That was the framework that brought more than 70 thought leaders to Washington to participate in an historic, invitation-only two-day conference, “Reconnecting Public Health and Care Delivery to Improve the Health of Populations,” held May 4-5, 2014.

The overarching thematic questions guiding the conference were: How can public health help to shape the transformation of the care delivery system where:

  1. Accountable care organizations will have responsibility for the health of a population and for engaging individuals, families, and communities in health and wellness?
  2. The prevailing approach to health intervention is to target one person at a time, via disease diagnosis and management?

There was vigorous and thoughtful discussion about how best to leverage the strengths of the public health and health care systems to build a healthier society for all. A path forward began to emerge, but will require significant commitment from many stakeholders.

Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health
Interprofessional Education Collaborative
Collaborative Practice
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning
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