Proceedings of the 7th Congress of Health Professions Educators

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Submitted by Association of ... on Aug 12, 2014 - 11:13am CDT

Resource Type: 
Conference Paper

Educating Health Professionals to Enhance Quality and Safety

Quality and safety have always been paramount concerns for all health care professionals. In recent months, the media has brought new attention to these issues with reports about medical error, particularly with regard to drug safety. The focus on quality also highlights the fact that the problems that surround the task of ensuring drug safety and quality care are not the sole responsibility of physicians, nurses, or other health professionals. These are complex system problems that confront us. To best resolve these problems, there should be a marriage of the professions, the public, and the patients. In this way, we can overcome the financial and other social obstacles to improving and enhancing health care delivery. This congress is an ideal venue for thinking about these issues and developing some creative options and advances.

Copyright © 2001 by the Association of Academic Health Centers. Available here with permission.

Lois L. Kercher
Molla S. Donaldson
J. Lyle Bootman
Janis P. Bellack
Doyle M. Cummings
Vincent A. Fulginiti
Howard Holland
Douglas L. Wood
Neil H. Sampson
James W. Holsinger, Jr.
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning
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