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Literature Compendium Scandinavia

Interprofessional undergraduate clinical learning: results from a three year project in a Danish Interprofessional Training Unit

Interprofessional undergraduate clinical learning: results from a three year project in a Danish Interprofessional Training Unit

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

On entering higher education students become professionally socialized, and parallel with this, stereotyping takes place, students developing a more positive assessment of their own roles than those of other professions. This difference between the view of their own and other professions can contribute to creating cognitive and social boundaries between professions that hinder sharing of knowledge, which can result in poor cooperation.

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Dissemination of research-based knowledge in an intensive care unit-a qualitative study

Dissemination of research-based knowledge in an intensive care unit-a qualitative study

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT


A gap exists between best evidence and best practice in intensive care units. The aim of this study was to investigate different aspects of intensive care nurses' and physicians' inter- and intraprofessional collaboration, with focus on factors associated with standardised weaning from mechanical ventilation.


A qualitative design was used for implementing research-based knowledge into multistage focus group discussions. Data were analysed by means of qualitative content analysis.


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A pilot study of an electronic interprofessional evidence-based care planning tool for clients with mental health problems and addictions

A pilot study of an electronic interprofessional evidence-based care planning tool for clients with mental health problems and addictions

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT


The health system must develop effective solutions to the growing challenges it faces with respect to individuals who suffer with mental health disorders and addictions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability and potential impact on outcomes of a knowledge translation system aimed at improving client-centered, evidence-based care for hospitalized individuals with schizophrenia.


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Students' reflections on shadowing interprofessional teamwork: a Norwegian case study

Students' reflections on shadowing interprofessional teamwork: a Norwegian case study

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

This article reports the students' reflections on interprofessional teamwork during brief exposures to real-life experiences in hospitals or home-based rehabilitation service. Each of the 10 interprofessional groups, comprising three students, followed a rehabilitation team for a day. The composition of each student group correlated with the rehabilitation team. Data were collected from interviews with the student groups and subjected to a thematic analysis.

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The team builder: the role of nurses facilitating interprofessional student teams at a Swedish clinical training ward

The team builder: the role of nurses facilitating interprofessional student teams at a Swedish clinical training ward

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

Interprofessional education (IPE) is an educational strategy attracting increased interest as a method to train future health care professionals. One example of IPE is the clinical training ward, where students from different health care professions practice together. At these wards the students work in teams with the support of facilitators. The professional composition of the team of facilitators usually corresponds to that of the students.

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Work ability: concept and assessment from a physiotherapeutic perspective. An interview study.

Work ability: concept and assessment from a physiotherapeutic perspective. An interview study.

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

The aim of this study was to ascertain experiences and perceptions among physiotherapists (PTs) in Sweden regarding the concept of work ability as well as their perspectives of their professional role in work ability assessments. We conducted an in-depth interview study with four male and twelve female physiotherapists working in the field of occupational health care, orthopaedics, primary health care or rehabilitation. Qualitative content analysis was applied to the data. Work ability was perceived as the ability to perform work tasks as requested.

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Interprofessional psychiatric teams: is multidimensionality evident in treatment conferences?

Interprofessional psychiatric teams: is multidimensionality evident in treatment conferences?

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

Interprofessional teamwork is practised when the care needs of patients are complex. Little is known about the extent to which team competence really determines patient interventions. The aim of the study was to examine the degree of multidimensionality in patient discussions in psychiatry, and to how different professions contribute. Psychiatric teams were observed during 30 team meetings. A content analysis was used to examine the amount of attention given to medical, psychological and social aspects.

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Undergraduate interprofessional education at the Linkoping Faculty of Health Sciences--how it all started

Undergraduate interprofessional education at the Linkoping Faculty of Health Sciences--how it all started

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

The Linköping Faculty of Health Sciences is a pioneer of interprofessional education (IPE) at the undergraduate level. It was started in 1986 in full scale with six health educations involved. The vision and how it became a reality is described as well as possible advantages and constraints. It is important to have one common pedagogic principle for all educations involved. Problem based learning was chosen and introduced during the initial study module (10 wks). Thereafter IPE comes back during the curricula with common seminars, study days and ward training.

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Difficulties in collaboration: a critical incident study of interprofessional healthcare teamwork

Difficulties in collaboration: a critical incident study of interprofessional healthcare teamwork

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

The challenge for members of interprofessional teams is to manage the team processes that occur in all teamwork while simultaneously managing their individual professional identities. The aim of this study was to identify and describe difficulties perceived by health professionals in interprofessional teamwork. Utterances on verbal actions and resolutions were also explored to enable a discussion of the implications for interprofessional learning.

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Wound care in primary health care: district nurses' needs for co-operation and well-functioning organization.

Wound care in primary health care: district nurses' needs for co-operation and well-functioning organization.

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

Most patients with leg- and foot ulcers are managed within non-institutional care. The aim of this study was to investigate the district nurses' wound management, including wound appearance, assignment of responsibility, guidelines for wound treatment and co-operation with other professional groups. The study has a descriptive quantitative approach. Data was collected using a wound registration form and a questionnaire. The selection of participants was made by random sampling.

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