Resource Center

Informing Resource Center

The Resource Center is a digital library of interprofessional practice and education-related content. Anyone with a registered account can contribute to the resource center and comment on a resource’s usefulness.

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Frequently Asked Questions
How does the Resource Center Work?

Think of the Resource Center as a library stocked with information added by its members. Each registered user has the opportunity to add content or make comments describing his or her experiences with interprofessional resources. Just like writing a review of a product online, members are encouraged to discuss a resource’s usefulness, practical application, benefits and even shortcomings (civil, constructive criticism only, please.) It is searchable by subject, resource type and keyword as well as by individual areas of interest or expertise.

What can I find in the Resource Center?

It’s a comprehensive hub for interprofessional practice and education-related content – ranging from information about programs to articles, archived webinars and much more. We use submitted, peer-reviewed and unpublished literature to build collections that are catalogued by topic, making it easier for people to find information applicable to their needs and interests.

Some of the most popular resources include:

  • Previously-published journal articles
  • Reports from conferences and commissioned papers
  • Measurement instruments and other assessment tools
  • White papers, videos, presentation slides, recorded webinars, audio recordings, case studies and book chapters
  • Learning tools, materials, curricula and much more

If there is something missing, just ask. We’ll do our best to track it down.

Who can contribute to the Resource Center?

Anyone with a registered account can add content and comment on existing content.

What about copyright and intellectual property?

Because the Resource Center is freely available to anyone, all content uploaded to the site must be copyright compliant. If you own the copyright to your work and want to make it openly available, that’s great – the Resource Center will provide a search-engine-optimized access point for your content.

If the copyright is owned by someone else (e.g. a publisher), you’ll need to obtain permission from the copyright holder before uploading that content. An alternate strategy for copyright-protected content previously published in scholarly journals is to link to the PubMed version of the article. Although not all articles indexed by PubMed are open access, community members with institutional subscriptions to restricted content will have access, and those without subscriptions will be offered the option to buy or “rent” the content from the publisher. Even so, you should be sure to obtain all copyright permissions before uploading any content to the site.

Is content on the site moderated?

Yes. The Resource Center is actively reviewed by National Center staff and community moderators to ensure all content posted to the site is appropriate.

Does the Resource Center contain only emerging research?

No. The Resource Center offers a home to both peer-reviewed and grey literature allowing information to be shared freely among users. This allows the National Center to chronicle the 50-year history of interprofessional practice and education, by providing a unique perspective to trends through access to seminal works that have never been digitally available before.

Showing 641 - 650 of 2959
Continuity of care is a core value of patients and primary care physicians, yet in graduate medical education (GME), creating effective clinical teaching environments that emphasize continuity poses challenges. In this Perspective, the authors review three dimensions of continuity for patient care-...
Stuart Gilman Dec 15, 2014
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study, conducted in 3 intensive care units (ICUs) at 1 Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, was to develop tools and procedures to measure nurse/physician communication in future studies.
BACKGROUND: Changing teamwork climate in healthcare through a collective shift in attitudes and values may be a necessary precursor to establishing a positive teamwork culture, where innovations can be more readily embedded and sustained. A complex educational intervention was initiated across an...
The quality of teamwork among health care professionals is known to affect patient outcomes. In the OR, surgeons report more favorable perceptions of communication during procedures and of teamwork effectiveness than do nurses. We undertook a quality improvement project in the Veterans Health...
This research was part of a Health Canada funded initiative developed to provide evidence about the effectiveness of interprofessional education (IPE) interventions to promote collaborative patient-centred care. Health professional students' ratings of health professions and the effect of IPE on...
BACKGROUND: The need for palliative and end-of-life care (PEOLC) education in prelicensure education has been identified. PEOLC requires effective collaborative teamwork. The competencies required for effective collaborative teamwork are only now emerging and methods to evaluate them must be...
Interprofessional education (IPE) in clinical practice is believed to improve outcomes in health care delivery. Integrating teaching and learning objectives through cross discipline student interaction in basic sciences has the potential to initiate interprofessional collaboration at the early...
Wojciech Pawlina Dec 16, 2014
America's health care system has become far too complex and costly to continue business as usual. Pervasive inefficiencies, an inability to manage a rapidly deepening clinical knowledge base, and a reward system poorly focused on key patient needs, all hinder improvements in the safety and quality...
This paper reports the development and psychometric validation of a multi-dimensional measure of facet-specific climate for innovation within groups at work: the Team Climate Inventory (TCI). Brief reviews of the organizational climate and work group innovation literatures are presented initially,...
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Featured Collections

Resources from the National Center

These resources have been authored by staff and partners of the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education.

Bud Baldwin Collection

Dr. Baldwin has been a foundational researcher, teacher and champion in the field of interprofessional health care education and collaborative practice for over 60 years. The materials he collected during his career are an invaluable resource for the interprofessional community. All materials which are not copyright-restricted have been made openly available through the National Center's Resource Center.

The Literature Compendium

Browse an extensive scoping review IPE literature from 2008 through 2013

Contribute to the Resouce Center

Every registered user can contribute to the Resource Center. We depend on you to help us tell the past, present and future of interprofessional practice and education.