What Is Palliative Care? Videos From Jared Rubenstein MD

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Submitted by Death Dying and... on Dec 1, 2024 - 1:55pm CST

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This resource offers a set of videos aimed at healthcare workers that cover various aspects of palliative care.

Examples include:

  • End Of The Line, a video about the common fears related to contemplating death, planning ahead, and talking about challenging topics relating to serious illness. 
  • We're The Fire Department, Not The Fire, a satirical video about the myths, misconceptions, and biases many healthcare workers have about palliative care.
  • We Can Help Light The Way, a video of getting a new diagnosis which can be scary and leave people feeling in the dark. Palliative care teams can help light the way.
  • Heroes, a part of a satirical video series about the sacrifices healthcare workers have made during the COVID-19 pandemic and the mixed responses and fading support from the public.
  • The Quiet Parts Out Loud, part of the Antiracism Animation Series, in collaboration with Dr. Jared Rubenstein, Dr. Princess Dennar and Dr. Andria Tatem. A satirical look at institutional diversity statements, and how words are not often backed up by actions

About Dr. Rubenstein: Jared Rubenstein, MD, is a pediatric palliative care doctor and medical educator in Houston, TX. "I believe humor, media, and metaphor empowers us to confront challenging subjects. I hope my videos provide education, start conversations, and sometimes, make you laugh."

Dr. Jared Rubenstein
Collaborative Practice
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning
Death, Dying & End of Life Resources