Seattle CoEPCE: Redesigned Precepting Room and Warm Handoff Curriculum

Laural Traylor, MSW's picture
Submitted by Laural Traylor, MSW on May 14, 2019 - 1:23pm CDT

Resource Type: 

In VA's Office of Academic Affiliations Seattle Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education, pharmacy and psychology presence in the precepting room with medicine and nurse practitioner trainees has led to frequent informal consults and facilitated warm handoffs between professions, including PC-MHI.  New curriculum focused on warm handoffs promotes communication and exchange of different profession perspectives about optimal transitions of care between primary care team members.


  • Describe Seattle's redesigned precepting room to include a pharmacy resident and psychology fellow for real-time consultations and handoffs

  • Review data on psychology precepting room consults from all CoE professions, trainees and staff, and role in supporting PC-MHI warm handoffs (Measure 5 Same Day Mental Health Visits)

  • Present new curriculum on warm handoffs between any two or multiple professions, with principles from VHA Center for Integrated Health Care and the CoEPCE IP Curriculum Workgroup on PC-MHI 

  • Develop skills in warm handoffs in primary care between professions: definitions, value, barriers, and tips to involve the Veteran

  • Provide a workplace learning environment to facilitate face-to-face interprofessional communication and practice

  • Introduce strategies for Veteran and trainee engagement

  • Discuss consult data improvements to Measure 5  Same Day Mental Health Visits

  • Joyce Wipf, MD, CoEPCE Director

  • Anna Golob, MD, Associate Director
  • Cassandra Song, PharmD, Pharmacy Associate Director
  • Linda Pyke, MN, APRN, NP Associate Director
  • Diane Smith, RN, RN Associate Director

Questions: Contact

Wipf, J., Golob, A, ; Song, C.; Pyke, L.; Smith, D
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning