Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Health Professions Educators

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Submitted by Association of ... on Aug 11, 2014 - 4:09pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Conference Paper

Making the Team Work

These proceedings present a broad overview of the environment for health professions education and how it is changing in response to health care reform, the rise of managed care, the growth in size and diversity of the care delivery team, the changing health care needs of the population, and federal initiatives related to the health care workforce. In the first part of the proceedings, we explore different models of interdisciplinary and community-based education programs, including one in a large urban area, one in a rural migrant community on the east coast, and one on the United States/Mexico border. In the second part, we look to health care issues on the horizon-such as the flourishing of home health care, education and practice in a managed care environment, and new demands for geriatric and primary care—and consider new opportunities for collaborative training and practice among different kinds of providers.

Copyright © 1994 by the Association of Academic Health Centers. Available here with permission.

Roger J. Bulger
E. Harvey Estes, Jr.
Jack Ebeler
John D. Rockefeller IV
Ciro Sumaya
Judith Cooksey
C. Donald Combs
Jose Manuel de la Rosa
Lawrence Abrams
Kathleen G. Andreoli
David Leach
Gloria D. Heinermann
Communities & Population Health
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning
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