Preparing Students for Team-Based Care for Vulnerable Populations

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Jan 11, 2016 - 12:31pm CST

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Health professionals have an obligation to improve both the health of the individual and the public in a time of scarce resources. The Institute of Medicine (IOM), Healthy People Curriculum Task Force and professional education accreditation standards indicate the need for health care professionals to demonstrate competencies related to community engagement, basic health promotion skills and the ability to work effectively in interprofessional teams. An Interprofessional Course, IPE 413: Developing Care for a Vulnerable Population provides students the opportunity to collaborate to address health needs in cooperation with a community partner. Students work in teams to address the complex health care needs of an individual community member. The one hour elective course is open to students from nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, social work, and exercise science. Efforts are underway to explore the possibility of offering this course to medical students. Students are assessed on the knowledge and experience gained through this interprofessional experience using the Team Skills Scale and student reflections. Faculties from each of the disciplines utilize a collaborative model in the instructional design of the course. The content is co-taught and faculty not only role model interprofessional care, but also serve as mentors and resource personnel for the students as they work with their clients.

Ann Laughlin
Ann Ryan Haddad
Joy Doll
Katie Packard
Kimberley Beley
Martha Todd
Barbara Harris
Jennifer Yee
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning