Post-Acute Long Term Care Educational Recordings

Marla Berg-Weger's picture
Submitted by Marla Berg-Weger on Mar 27, 2024 - 2:27pm CDT

Resource Type: 

The Gateway Geriatric Education Center developed modules to support the care of older adults residing in in post-acute long term care settings. Designed primarily for residential staff, this educational content includes: 

•10-15 (narrations) and 4-5 (videos) minutes for maximum attention span

•QR code accessibility for easy dissemination

•Easy viewing from phone or computer

•Integration into training modules

•Online format for automatic redirection for evaluation to track completion

•Permanent signage with QR codes for digital access in community partner locations

•Printed card stock with QR codes for promotion at events

While the library continues to expand, sample topics include: 

•Narrated recordings: Addressing Loneliness and Social Isolation; Dementia Assessment; Meaningful Activities; Suspected Urinary Tract Infection in PALTC settings; Diet Downgrades, Resident Rights, and Feeding Tube Placement in PALTC; and Polypharmacy, Potentially Inappropriate Medications & Deprescribing in Older Adults

•Brief videos: Best Practices in Communication; Common Challenges in Dementia  Communication; Meeting Basic Needs of Persons Living With Dementia; Mealtimes for People Living with Dementia; Toileting Tips for People Living with Dementia; Activities and Redirection; and Bathing Tips for People Living with Dementia

The recordings and videos are available at our website (url below).

Marla Berg-Weger, PhD, LCSW
Patients & Families
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection