Nursing Knowledge 2014: Big Data and Science for Transforming Health Care (Conference Abstracts)

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Submitted by National Center... on Aug 20, 2014 - 3:15pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Conference Paper

The 2014 Nursing Knowledge: Big Data & Science for Transforming Health Care Conference brought together more than 70 stakeholders from nursing practice, education, information technology, professional nursing, and informatics and standards organizations. The goal: Advance a national plan for capturing nursing information for big data research aimed at identifying effective care interventions and improving patient outcomes.

This second annual Nursing Knowledge conference, an event initiated and sponsored by the University of Minnesota School of Nursing, focused on the transformation of nursing practice, research, and education. In an era of big data, massive databases of health information are being amassed within electronic health records systems and related repositories making them available to be analyzed to ascertain patterns, trends, and evidence that will guide patient care. However, for research to accurately reflect all factors influencing patient outcomes, the data must reflect nursing, as well as medical and other interprofessional information. The Nursing Knowledge conferences aim to develop and foster execution of a plan that will ensure that nursing information is captured – and to integrate the concepts and application of big data into nursing practice, research, and education through collaboration.

The abstracts of papers presented at this conference are available for download below.

University of Minnesota School of Nursing
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning
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