Interprofessional Education and Experiences Within Therapeutic Recreation Education

Kelly Ramella's picture
Submitted by Kelly Ramella on Dec 29, 2016 - 12:38pm CST

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Interprofessional education (IPE) has been defined as two or more students or professionals from different disciplines learning from, with, and about each other. It is anticipated that through a collaborative environment of interprofessional education, professionals gain the proficiencies to assure improved patient safety and quality of care. The purpose of this manuscript is to introduce the concept of IPE and highlight IPE in therapeutic recreation/ recreational therapy education. Three programs in Canada and the United States incorporate IPE in their programs: The Centre for Collaborative Health Professional Education at Memorial University in Canada, the University of New Hampshire College of Health and Human Services, and the Arizona State University Collaboratory on Central at the Westward Ho each offer students, faculty, and health-related colleagues collaborative learning and practice experiences. While these programs are grounded on the core competencies proposed by a panel of healthcare experts representing several peer professions, each of the selected sample programs has designed and implemented IPE in a unique way within their curriculum.

Melissa Zahl
Janell Greenwood
Kelly Ramella
Anne-Marie Sullivan
Allison Wilder
Education & Learning
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