Hearing Loss in Geriatrics and Palliative Care

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Feb 7, 2025 - 12:37am CST

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Age-related hearing loss affects about 2/3rd of adults over age 70 years and that self-reported hearing loss increases during the last years of life. Screening for addressing hearing loss should be an integral part of what we do in geriatrics and palliative care, but it often is either a passing thought or completely ignored. In this GeriPal podcast (49:37 minutes), Nick Reed and Megan Wallhagen discuss hearing loss in geriatrics and palliative care. Topics include: (1) why hearing loss is important not just in geriatrics but also for those caring for seriously ill individuals; (2) how to screen for hearing loss; (3) communication techniques we can use when talking to individuals with hearing loss; (4) the use of assistive listening devices like pocket talkers and hearing aids; (5) their thoughts on the approval and use of over the counter hearing aids. A checklist of methods to address hearing loss in clinical encounters is also provided.

Source: GeriPal, 2022

Nick Reed
Meg Wallhagen
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning
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Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection