Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection

Showing 881 - 890 of 1317

This web page from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization provides an overview of palliative care, and compares and contrasts it to hospice care. Frequently asked questions regarding palliative care is also included.


This web page from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization provides an overview of hospice care. There are various sections within the web page that help readers grasp a better understanding of what hospice care is and how it can help...

This tip sheet from the AGS's Health in Aging Foundation discusses the top ten recommended healthy New Year's resolutions for the older adult population. Each resolution includes recommendations for how to carry it out.

Source: Health in...

This tip sheet from the AGS's Health in Aging Foundation discusses common complications older adults with diabetes may encounter. For each complication discussed, it describes what one should do if they experience it.

Source: Health in...

This tip sheet from the AGS's Health in Aging Foundation discusses various health problems and injuries that older adults may encounter during the winter months. It also discusses precautions to take to avoid the health problem or possible injury....

This tip sheet from the AGS's Health in Aging Foundation answers questions that older adults may have regarding medications on the AGS Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use. It also discusses key points to remember when...

This tip sheet from the AGS's Health in Aging Foundation answers questions older adults may have regarding retail clinics such as what can retail clinics do and how good is the care at these retail clinics. It also discusses "do's" and "do not's" for...

This tip sheet from the AGS's Health in Aging Foundation provides tips for older adults to help them get walking. It also discusses three tips for safe walking in older adults.

Source: Health in Aging Foundation, 2023.

This tip sheet from the AGS's Health in Aging Foundation discusses specific situations that may indicate possible driving problems in older adults as they age. If an older adult experiences any of the driving problems discussed, then they are to...

This tip sheet from the AGS's Health in Aging Foundation provides a checklist for long-distance caregivers to review to help them through the process.

Source: Health in Aging Foundation, 2019.

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The Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection is part of Minnesota Northstar GWEP, supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Award No. U1QHP33076, the University of Minnesota Office of Academic Clinical Affairs, and the Otto Bremer Trust.