This handout discusses the importance of including frailty in the pre-operative assessment of older adults before undergoing an elective or emergency surgery. It also includes a table describing the different instruments used to assess frailty.
This handout discusses the topic of frailty in elders. It provides a definition, assessment, and scoring system to assess frailty in older adults.
This handout reviews various approaches to screening for fall risk and the prevention of falls in older adults. It also provides different interventions to reduce fall risk. along with links to fall resources for patients.
This handout compares the perceptions of end-of-life issues within four different groups: African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, and Native Americans. Tips for supporting ethnically, racially, and culturally diverse patients...
This pocket guide provides an algorith for fall risk screening, assessment, and intervention among community-dwelling adults 65 years and older. It provides step-by-step instructions for caregivers to follow.
Source: Centers for Disease...
This slides presentation provides information on the epidemiology of falls, an approach for fall risk screening and post-fall assessment, and interventions to reduce fall risk in older adults.
Source: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine,...
This NIA resource provides an overview of the issues and decsions to be made by people caring for someone at the end-of-life. It provides information on topics such as palliative care hospice, and how to deal with grief.
Source: National...
This video (7:18 minutes) discusses ten tips for communicating clearly and respectfully with people with dementia or cognitive impairment. With each tip, a demonstration of the tip being used in common situations is provided.
This video (7:43 min) provides family members with tips for medical appointments with patients with dementia such as what to prepare for and how to communicate with them. It also demonstrates the tips being used during a simulated appointment.
This video (9:01 min) discusses tips for healthcare providers regarding how to communicate with and advocate for people with dementia and their family caregivers. It also demonstrates these tips being used during a simulated appointment.