Examining Risks and Benefits to Enhance Quality of Life

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Aug 16, 2020 - 9:41pm CDT

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These teaching strategies serve two purposes. First, they are designed to help students feel more comfortable initiating conversations with older adults about risks they may be willing to take to achieve benefits that may improve quality of life. They are also meant to raise awareness of decisions older adults make which may be unconventional within the context of a best practices model, yet are consistent with the older person's wishes, expectations, resources, cultural traditions, and strengths. These strategies can be used both in the classroom and clinical settings and are designed for all levels of students. Learning objectives, learner pre-work, suggested learning activities and readings, and assessment tools are included. Files are downloadable/printable. This resource is only available for members.

Source: National League for Nursing (NLN), 2018.

National League for Nursing (NLN)
Laureen Tavolaro-Ryley
Patricia Brown O'Hara
Education & Learning
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection