Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection

Showing 1021 - 1030 of 1360

This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center provides a guide for family caregivers. It discusses common caregiving challenges as well as tips for caring for a difficult older adult. Finally, it discusses how to balance caregiving and personal...

This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center describes the benefits of assisted living for people with vision impairment and what to consider before choosing an assisted living facility for an older adult with this type of impairment. It also...

This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center addresses the cost of assisted living and the benefits of assisted living for older adults with addictions. It also discusses what to look for when choosing an assisted living facility for these older...

This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center describes what assisted living is and the benefits of assisted living for wheelchair users. It discusses mobility restrictions and accessibility regulations in assisted living facilities. Finally, it...

This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center reviews the signs and symptoms of clinical depression along with causes and risk factors for depression in older adults. It discusses the benefits of assisted living facilities for older adults with...

This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center reviews what a conservatorship or adult guardianship is, the pros and cons of conservatorship and when one might be a good idea for a family member. It also answers questions regarding conservatorship...

This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center describes medical benefits for veterans in detail along with how to use veterans benefits for senior care. It also discusses the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs death and burial benefits for...

This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center discusses the various aspects and things to consider when moving for older adults, including what to consider before moving an aged loved one into a family member's home. It provides 21 tips to...

This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center provides an overview of Medicare benefits, including eligibility,enrollment, and what is covered under Parts A, B, C, and D. It discusses Medicare coverage of in-home, residential, and skilled nursing...

This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center answers various questions regarding long-term care insurance such as who should get it, who qualifies for it, and how much does it cost. It also discusses what long-term care insurance covers and the...

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The Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection is part of Minnesota Northstar GWEP, supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Award No. U1QHP33076, the University of Minnesota Office of Academic Clinical Affairs, and the Otto Bremer Trust.