Expert by Experience
Submitted by National Center... on Sep 13, 2021 - 12:39pm CDT
Our Experts by Experience programme involves the public in inspections and activities.
Experts by Experience are people who have recent personal experience (within the last five years) of using or caring for someone who uses health, mental health and/or social care services that we regulate.
From 1 April 2020, Choice Support delivers Expert by Experience services through a new, single national contract across England.
Who could be an Expert by Experience?
- Person with experience of detention under the Mental Health Act
- Family carer of adult relative who has a learning disability and high support/complex needs
- Family carer of child or young person (CYP) who uses health services
- Family carer of older person
- Family carer of person living with dementia/older person
- Person who has used maternity services in the past 4 years
- Person with a learning disability / autism
- Person with a physical impairment
- Person with a sensory impairment
- Person living with Dementia
- Person with experience of mental health services
- Person with experience of substance and misuse services
- Young Person with experience of using health services
- Person with a learning disability / autism who has experience of detention under the MHA
- Person who has an acquired brain injury
- Family carer of a person who has an acquired brain injury
- Person who has an eating disorder
- Person with experience of mental health services, within a forensic setting
- Family carer who has supported a person through end of life care
What do Experts by Experience do?
During inspections, Experts by Experience speak to people using services and their family or organisations that support them. They may also observe how the service is delivered and speak to staff. Their findings are used to support the inspectors’ judgments on services and may be included in inspection reports.
Experts by Experience also take part in our other activities such as assisting in training inspectors and taking part in working groups.
During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we are working with Choice Support to develop different ways for Experts by Experience to work with us.
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