Elder Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation in Primary Care

Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)'s picture
Submitted by Minnesota North... on Jun 6, 2021 - 7:56pm CDT

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This lecture by Drs. Page Ulrey and Kathy Van Olst is part of the Northwest Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Center's 2021 Spring Lecture series discusses elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation in primary care. By the end of this lecture, learners should be able to: (1) identify how elder abuse i defined under the law; (2) describe the prevalence and impact of elder abuse on victims and their families; and (3) discuss how health care providers can help identify, address, and respond to elder abuse in patient care.

Source: Northwest Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Center, 2021.

Page Ulrey
Kathy Van Olst
Education & Learning
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Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection