Development and initial validation of the Pharmacist Frequency of Interprofessional Collaboration Instrument (FICI-P) in primary care

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Submitted by National Center... on Jan 7, 2015 - 4:06pm CST

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

BACKGROUND: Existing validated measures of pharmacist-physician collaboration focus on measuring attitudes toward collaboration and do not measure frequency of collaborative interactions.

OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate an instrument to measure the frequency of collaboration between pharmacists and general practitioners (GPs) from the pharmacist's perspective.

METHODS: An 11-item Pharmacist Frequency of Interprofessional Collaboration Instrument (FICI-P) was developed and administered to 586 pharmacists in 8 divisions of general practice in New South Wales, Australia. The initial items were informed by a review of the literature in addition to interviews of pharmacists and GPs. Items were subjected to principal component and Rasch analyses to determine each item's and the overall measure's psychometric properties and for any needed refinements.

RESULTS: Two hundred and twenty four (38%) of pharmacist surveys were completed and returned. Principal component analysis suggested removal of 1 item for a final 1-factor solution. The refined 10-item FICI-P demonstrated internal consistency reliability at Cronbach's alpha=0.90. After collapsing the original 5-point response scale to a 4-point response scale, the refined FICI-P demonstrated fit to the Rasch model. Criterion validity of the FICI-P was supported by the correlation of FICI-P scores with scores on a previously validated Physician-Pharmacist Collaboration Instrument. Validity was also supported by predicted differences in FICI-P scores between subgroups of respondents stratified on age, colocation with GPs, and interactions during the intern-training period.

CONCLUSION: The refined 10-item FICI-P was shown to have good internal consistency, criterion validity, and fit to the Rasch model. The creation of such a tool may allow for the measure of impact in the evaluation of interventions designed to improve interprofessional collaboration between GPs and pharmacists.

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Connie Van
Daniel Costa
Bernadette Mitchell
Penny Abbott
Ines Krass
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
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