Developing a Patient-Centered ISHAPED Handoff With Patient/Family and Parent Advisory Councils

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Sep 13, 2021 - 12:19pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Our hospital system used Lean strategies to develop a new process for the change-of-shift bedside handoff titled ISHAPED (I = Introduce, S = Story, H = History, A = Assessment, P = Plan, E = Error Prevention, and D = Dialogue). Several teams collaborated with a Parent Advisory Council and a Patient/Family Advisory Council to design a study to explore patient perceptions of the handoff. The findings from the study along with recommendations from the councils were used to develop education modules on implementing patient-centered handoffs.

Friesen M
Herbst A
Turner JW
Speroni KG
Robinson J
Patients & Families
The Nexus
Individual, Family, Community, and Population-centered (IFCP) Collection