Chronic Diseases and Cognitive Decline - A Public Health Issue

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Submitted by Minnesota North... on Dec 5, 2020 - 12:05pm CST

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This brief from the CDC and the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors is the fourth in a series of topic-specific documents focusing on public health issues related to older adults. This brief examines the demographic characteristics of adults 45 years and older who report chronic disease and subjective cognitive decline in the United States, and the types and number of chronic diseases associated with subjective cognitive decline. Data was collected from community-dwelling adults in 2015-2017 through the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). The PDF of the brief is available for download.

Source: CDC, 2020

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Association of Chronic Disease Directors
Communities & Population Health
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Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection