Advance Care Planning for Spanish-Language Speakers: Patient, Family, and Interpreter Perspectives.

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Submitted by Death Dying and... on Dec 1, 2024 - 2:03pm CST

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Journal Article

Language access barriers for individuals with limited English proficiency are a challenge to advance care planning (ACP). Whether Spanish-language translations of ACP resources are broadly acceptable by US Spanish-language speakers from diverse countries is unclear. This ethnographic qualitative study ascertained challenges and facilitators to ACP with respect to Spanish-language translation of ACP resources. We conducted focus groups with a heterogeneous sample of 29 Spanish-speaking persons who had experience with ACP as a patient, family member and/or medical interpreter. We conducted thematic analysis with axial coding.

Themes include: 1. ACP translations are confusing; 2. ACP understanding is affected by country of origin; 3. ACP understanding is affected by local healthcare provider culture and practice; and 4. ACP needs to be normalized into local communities. ACP is both a cultural and clinical practice. Recommendations for increasing ACP uptake extend beyond language translation to acknowledging users’ culture of origin and local healthcare culture.

About the journal: Journal of Applied Gerontology (JAG), peer-reviewed and published monthly, provides an international forum for information that has clear and immediate applicability to the health, care, and quality of life of older adults.

Citation: Puerto, G., Chiriboga, G., DeSanto-Madeya, S., Duodu, V., Cruz-Oliver, D. M., & Tjia, J. (2023). Advance Care Planning for Spanish-Language Speakers: Patient, Family, and Interpreter Perspectives. Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society, 42(8), 1840–1849.

Geraldine Puerto
Germán Chiriboga
Susan DeSanto-Madeya
Vennesa Duodu
Dulce M Cruz-Oliver
Jennifer Tjia
Communities & Population Health
Education & Learning
Patients & Families
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection
Death, Dying & End of Life Resources