Accuracy of Laboratory Data Communication on ICU Daily Rounds Using an Electronic Health Record.

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Submitted by National Center... on Sep 27, 2016 - 10:29am CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

Accurately communicating patient data during daily ICU rounds is critically important since data provide the basis for clinical decision making. Despite its importance, high fidelity data communication during interprofessional ICU rounds is assumed, yet unproven. We created a robust but simple methodology to measure the prevalence of inaccurately communicated (misrepresented) data and to characterize data communication failures by type. We also assessed how commonly the rounding team detected data misrepresentation and whether data communication was impacted by environmental, human, and workflow factors.

Kathryn A. Artis, MD, MPH
Edward Dyer, MD
Vishnu Mohan, MD
Jeffery A. Gold, MD
Collaborative Practice