Preparing students for interprofessional practice: exploring the intra-personal dimension

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Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:15am CDT

The need for interprofessional education is now firmly embedded in undergraduate healthcare curricula frameworks in Northern Ireland and has a role to play in preparation for professional practice. A questionnaire determining students' "readiness" for interprofessional education has been widely used and reported in the literature but there are other factors that contribute to students' abilities to learn in an interprofessional context. Pre-qualification healthcare education can be viewed as having three inter-related components, intra-professional, interprofessional and intra-personal learning; the third of these underpinning the other two. Understanding more about personal learning needs can contribute to preparation for interprofessional interaction. A Studying and Learning Preferences Inventory (SALPI) was developed and validated for use with a range of healthcare professionals to assist in this process.

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Morison, Susan
Johnston, John
Stevenson, Mike
Journal Citation: 
Journal of Interprofessional Care. 24(4):412-21, 2010 Jul.