Learning and knowledge-integration strategies of nurses and client care workers serving homeless persons

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Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

Health-care workers serving homeless persons often face difficulties in addressing the needs of this population due to the complexity of the health challenges and gaps in clinical knowledge. How can health-care workers enhance their ability to care for this population? The authors explore the learning and knowledge-integration strategies of nurses and client care workers employed by organizations targeting homeless persons in a Canadian city. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with 8 health-care workers.The data were examined using narrative analysis and constant comparative analysis. Three strategies were identified: integrating past experiences into clinical practice, interacting with clients to identify care needs and boundaries, and engaging in interprofessional knowledge exchange. A better understanding of these strategies may help nursing programs and health-services organizations to equip health-care workers with the skills they need to serve homeless persons.

PubMed URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19650511

Guirguis-Younger, Manal
McNeil, Ryan
Runnels, Vivien
Journal Citation: 
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 41(2):21-34, 2009 Jun.