New Tools for Interprofessional Clinical Practice Are Freely Available in the Resource Center


UnitedHealth Group Center for Clinician Advancement has made available a new webinar called “An Actionable Tool for the Interprofessional Team to Improve the Patient Experience,” focusing on the use of the Net Promoter System that is used system-wide at UnitedHealth Group to improve the health care consumer experience. The Net Promoter System is a business approach for clinicians and their health care organizations to better understand and improve patient experiences.

Interprofessional CE credit is available for this webinar. View the webinar and details here.


Bailit Health Purchasing, LLC has released a new AHRQ-funded brief and tool called “New Models of Primary Care Workforce and Financing: Costs Associated with High Quality Comprehensive Primary Care.”

The brief describes primary care workforce models for four types of patient populations, and the tool can be used to estimate associated costs.

View the brief here, and download the tool for use at your own institution here.