Primary Care Workforce Study Cost Tool

Bailit Health Purchasing, LLC's picture
Submitted by Bailit Health P... on Nov 21, 2018 - 3:01pm CST

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In the United States, there is a heightened national awareness of the central role of primary care in improving population health and managing cost growth.  Health care provider organizations, payers and policymakers need to identify preferred and sustainable primary care workforce models that draw on available knowledge to ensure access to high quality, cost-efficient health care that is to the satisfaction of patients and providers.  To address this need, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) funded Abt Associates and its partners, the MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation and Bailit Health, to develop primary care workforce models for primary care practices that serve four types of patient populations and estimate the associated costs.  

For more information about the associated costs for four primary care workforce models for primary care practices, please refer to the following brief:  New Models of Primary Care Workforce and Financing:  Costs Associated with High Quality Comprehensive Primary Care.  Because the care team composition of and costs associated with each primary care practice vary significantly, we have created a simple accompanying Excel-based tool wherein users can customize our ideal model configurations and costs to best fit their needs.  Users can modify salary, benefit and business expense assumptions to account for regional variations or modify the primary care team configuration by adding or deleting team member counts, or substituting one type of staff or another if they so choose.

For more information about the entire Primary Care Workforce and Financing Study, please visit AHRQ’s website here:

Michael Bailit (Bailit Health Purchasing, LLC)
David Meyers (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Lisa LeRoy (Abt Associates)
Deepti Kanneganti (Bailit Health Purchasing, LLC)
Judith Schaefer (MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation)
Ed Wagner (MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation)
Chunliu Zhan (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Economics & Funding