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Results 1 - 10 of 17 for "interprofessional relations"

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  1. How and where clinicians exercise power: interprofessional relations in health care

    This study aims to contribute to the limited set of interactional studies of health occupational relations. A "negotiated order" perspective was applied to a multi-site setting to articulate the ways in which clinicians' roles, accountabili ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Anne Clancy

    Anne Clancy's picture

    Degree & Credential: RDH, MBA, EdD (C)
    Organization: American Dental Association
    Contact: not available

  3. Primary trust in primary care: interprofessional relationships between nurses and doctors Subject:  Collaborative Practice Additional Tags (Optional):  interprofessional relations ...

    Jill Romeo


  4. Knowledge translation and interprofessional collaboration: Where the rubber of evidence-based care hits the road of teamwork

    may fail to take into account barriers from difficulties in interprofessional relations ... . Interprofessional education and collaboration interventions aim to improve interprofessional relations, which may in ...

    Scott Reeves


  5. Interprofessional education for physiotherapy, medical and dietetics students: a pilot programme

    interprofessional relations interprofessional practice Collections:  ANZAHPE ...

    Jill Romeo


  6. Clinical simulation in maternity (CSiM): interprofessional learning through simulation team training

    BACKGROUND: Focusing on interprofessional relations in team performance to improve patient safety ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  7. Competence, respect and trust: key features of successful interprofessional relationships

    Practice Additional Tags (Optional):  interprofessional relations Collections:  ANZAHPE ...

    Jill Romeo


  8. Process of forming an interprofessional clinical teaching team

    interprofessional relations staff development Collections:  ANZAHPE ...

    Jill Romeo


  9. Enacting 'team' and 'teamwork': using Goffman's theory of impression management to illuminate interprofessional practice on hospital wards

    to illuminate the nature of collaborative interprofessional relations within an acute care setting. ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  10. What makes an interprofessional education programme meaningful to students?

    interprofessional relations programme evaluation Collections:  ANZAHPE ...

    Jill Romeo
